Contact Us


Phone: (888) 980-7728, ext 2


Phone: (888) 980-7728​, ext. 1


CrossWind Technologies, Inc.

325 Soquel Avenue,

Santa Cruz, CA, ​95062-2305​

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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Visitors, Customers (herein after “Users”) will not: (a) use the System for service bureau or time-sharing purposes or in any other way allow third parties to exploit the System; (b) provide System passwords or other log-in information to any unauthorized third party; (c) share non-public System features or content with any third party; or (d) access the System in order to build a competitive product or service, to build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the System, or to copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the System. In the event that it suspects any breach of the requirements of this AUP, including without limitation by Users, CrossWind may suspend User’s access to the System without advanced notice, in addition to such other remedies as CrossWind may have. This AUP does not require that CrossWind take any action against any User or other third party for violating the AUP, but CrossWind is free to take any such action it sees fit. This AUP may be updated by CrossWind as required.